A blog about stuff we do.

  • We Scare Because We Care

    We babysat again this week. On Monday I came out of the shower to find this waiting for me. The note says “Dessert at your service. Love your favorite 12 year old.” If she wasn’t my favorite 12 year old before this surprise she certainly was after. The 10 year old thought Doug really needed…

  • Bangarang

    We are still keeping up with our picture-a-day goal. Nine months down, three to go. In case it was unclear, the captions of pictures that are just dates mean that is the picture of the day, others are just bonus pictures. Love autumn. The colors, the smells, the pumpkin-flavored everything, the crisp air. It’s so…

  • Wing Backed

    Dinner. It was high-time we got the boys a little tree and they clearly love it. New chair (we got it along with the other new furniture.) I know I already posted a bunch of pictures of our little hummingbirds but this one is cool because Doug took it with his iPhone from just a…

  • Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me

    I’ve been on a bit of a peach kick lately. When I bought these (I went to the grocery store and only bought yogurt and two full bags of peaches) the cashier asked me what I was making to which I responded, “Nothing, I’m just going to eat them.” Doug’s grandparents gave us this table…

  • Don’t Fly Away

    Haha I don’t know what is happening here. Book worms. After months of not-so-patiently waiting our furniture finally arrived. We had forgotten what everything looked like so it was quite the surprise. We do love it, I’ll post pictures of all of it later. My best buddy sent me a hummingbird feeder as a fun…

  • Baa Ram Ewe

    Doug (and I) spent our day off recovering. In case it isn’t clear, that blanket says “Cuddle Me” all over it. Felix is always hindering us from getting in real work done. Well, either this day was inconsequential or something significant did happen and we didn’t document it. Either way we ended up with the…

  • White Clouds

    A glorious sunset. Doug gearing up for his big backpacking trip. The cats and I were left alone and this was our evening on Wednesday.   Doug, Matt, Sean and Kurt at the trail head. They’ve been planning their man-weekend for months now and Doug’s been pretty excited about it. They spent three and a…

  • Beach Trip in a Short Clip

    I made a movie. I took some video clips on the Oregon Coast but I’ve never made a movie before. Doug was out of town this week so I was left to my own devices which included a few spare hours, zero knowledge of video editing and no editing software on my computer (I don’t…

  • Let’s Go Fly A Kite

    (Continuation of last two posts) Our last day of vacation we decided to spend with no plans other than lots of beach time and I wanted to finish the book I was reading. We accomplished both goals and had an incredible day. Doug borrowed his dad’s trick kite and really got the hang of it;…

  • Lincoln City and Newport

    (Continuation from last post from the Oregon Coast with my family.) August 22nd: Happy 5th year anniversary. We had such a fun/unique date. First we drove to Siletz to visit my cousins and see their self-sustaining home/farm. My cousin Mindy is basically what everyone on Pinterest is trying to achieve. She is an incredible cook…

Got any book recommendations?