A blog about stuff we do.
Engrish Corner
Chinese and English are two very different languages. So different, that translating from one to the other gets pretty rough. Fortunately this is pretty humorous. Sometimes just plain ridiculous. On little signs or menus it’s usually just funny and entertaining, but other times we’ll see some product that is mass produced with such a poor…
Hot Pot
The main food street here on campus is called Lianjin. Lianjin was one of the first places we ate at when we arrived in our little humble town of Xiangtan. It was culture shock slapping me full force in the face! At the entrance of the street lay giant piles of rotting garbage; more often than…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Last week for class I taught my students about Thanksgiving. We went over the Thanksgiving story, Thanksgiving food and discussed things we were thankful for. The majority of my students chose “family” or “parents” as the thing they were most thankful for. Most students don’t [can’t] have any siblings, but the students that do truly…
Here are some pictures of things we see daily around XiangTan University. If we take a shortcut from our side of campus to the other side, we pass a sewer and some cool gardens (but the proximity of the two is a little close for comfort). I have two options of routes to go to…
Hālì Bōtè
There are a few differences with movie theatres here than back in the States. All of the foreign teachers here (about 15 of us) wanted to go see the new Harry Potter film that just came out. As much as we love China and the culture, it’s always fun to do a western activity to…
The Students
Our students have become a big highlight of our time here in China. Always friendly and looking for chances to speak to us and become our friend outside of class. They made us feel so welcome from the first time we met them. Many of them have never met a foreigner before and have told…
Zhangjiajie: “Avatar Mountains”
If you’ve seen the movie Avatar, you must be familiar with “the legendary floating Hallelujah Mountains of Pandora!” The mountains on the movie are pretty unbelievable and look like they must have been pulled deep out of someone’s crazy imagination. Surprisingly, these mountains are based off of actual mountains here in China. We (me, Doug,…
I know a lot of you got the “Wal-Mart in China” email forward. So, to answer your questions if those pictures are true- yes. They are. I’ve only been to Wal-Mart in China once in a neighboring city and was not impressed. In our city we have something called “HyperMart”. It’s essentially the exact same…
A Walk in the Park
It’s early Saturday morning. I hear the rooster crowing even though the sun has been up for well over an hour. I don’t think this rooster knows the time, or at least he doesn’t care. He lives right out front of our apartment along with three or four other chickens. I enjoy watching them peck…
A Little Fruity
Exotic and new types of fruit are always exciting to try in a new place. Here are a few of the interesting fruits available here: We buy these cheep and delicious tangerines by the dozen. They taste just like a regular tangerine and are the regular bright orange on the inside. I just think the…
Got any book recommendations?