A blog about stuff we do.

  • Kaylee’s Married!

    I was going through some pictures and came across all these that I had forgotten about from Kaylee’s wedding. Which was beautiful by the way.     I also was lucky enough to meet up with these wonderful ladies for lunch at Millhollow. Obviously, that’s THE place to eat in Rexburg. It was so nice…

  • Oh Christmas Tree

    This Christmas was great. We got to meet our new darling little niece Avalee, ate lots of delicious junk food, watched several classic Christmas movies and visited with family and friends. Our camera didn’t make it out as much as it should’ve, but here’s a few scenes from this Christmas.     We spent a…

  • Thanksgiving

    I know it’s a bit late, but better late than never. We had a great Thanksgiving last week. Crazy to think where we were and what we were doing last year for Thanksgiving. I miss our buddies and the international food we chowed on last year. But, it was definitely time for a good ‘ol…

  • Potty Party

      First off a little disclaimer, yes I realize that this makes the third Harry Potter post on our blog. Yes I’m slightly embarrassed about this. I just want you to know that we know this might make us look like huge weird Harry Potter freaks. I dunno, maybe we are. Well, with that being…

  • Goodbye Winto

    A few weeks ago Doug and I spontaneously decided to buy my cousin’s car. Turned out to be a fantastic decision because it meant we got to go to Seattle on a weekend trip! We’ve been thinking for awhile that it was probably time to upgrade from my ’92 mint green Honda Accord that’s been…

  • Part II: I <3 NYC

    Our Amtrak train ride from DC to NYC was so comfortable and quite pleasant. I’ve always wondered why we don’t have trains out here?  Seems so practical. We booked a hotel close to the station we were arriving at so we could quickly drop off our stuff and then race off to make our Broadway…

  • Part I: DC

    I was reading a Dan Brown book some months back and came across something that struck me. At one part the main character, Professor Langdon, is lecturing his class and asks them who had visited Europe. A substantial number of students raised their hands. Then he asked how many had visited our nation’s capital, Washington…

  • Meadow Lake

    A couple of weeks ago we made it up to Meadow Lake to go camping with my parents. It’s been a favorite spot of my family’s since I was just a kid. Doug and I bought our own tent this summer so this was the maiden voyage. The weather was just perfect. A homemade hammock,…

  • Orange Lilies

    I took this picture at my parents’ house a few weeks ago. These were the lilies I had for my center pieces at my wedding. My mom planted some in her front flower bed and every time I see them I think of our wedding day and how wonderful it was being surrounded by supportive…

  • Crossing off the List

    We came to the realization that summer is quickly coming to a close and we have yet to accomplish a fair amount of our summer list. We decided to impose an “epic summer week” to squeeze in as much as we could. It was so fun, we should’ve be doing this every week. Monday: Pick…

Got any book recommendations?