Family Visit

My grandma came to visit from Kansas for the week. We don’t get to see her too often but it’s always so fun when we get to visit. Uncle Don and my cousin Ben came up along with JT and Kacie’s clan so we had a full house. I should warn you Doug and I just got a new lens for our camera so there will probably be quite a few pictures to follow.

Jason Christman took our family photos last week and here’s a sample:

We spent a large portion of the weekend playing badminton. Uncle Don sacrificed his body for his team and ended up with a pretty banged up ankle, but his team did win so it was probably worth it.

We interviewed Grandma Belnap and those videos will be up soon so everyone can watch.

We ate delicious food all weekend and I tried a clever idea for some rainbow fruit kabobs I found.

Rainbow Fruit Kabobs

The girls kept us all on our toes while Aya serenaded us with the song Ariel sings on Little Mermaid. Disney’s already working its magic!

In their Sunday best



