Hello, Goodbye, Happy Birthday

Everyone is growing up and becoming real adults; buying houses, having babies, starting careers. When did that happen? I still feel like I need to ask my mom if I can have a waterfight with the neighbor kids in the backyard. Well, despite our best efforts we’re all getting older.

Aubrey and Skyler just made a big (semi)permanent move all to way to Washington. Not to mention Melissa and Logan over in Iowa. We had a small get-together to say goodbye to Aubs. It was a hello party for Sara who just moved back from Portland. We had it at New Fongs. (I just wanted to say that because the name New Fongs is still quite funny to me. Asians.)

Right after Kaylee ordered like 4 dinners for herself and "the accident"


Me, Aubrey, Brittney, Sara, Kaylee

It’s exciting growing up and watching where life leads everyone, but a bit sad too (I think I’m feeling nostalgic). We miss you Aubrey, Melissa and Kaylee (when you move shortly).

Vanessa just had a birthday and came all the way up from Pocatello to celebrate, which was nice because we haven’t seen her, Cam and baby for quite awhile. Cortney and Gary were there too.

A party with Vanessa would be incomplete without a badminton tournament.

Game Faces (except Doug)
Celebration Faces (except Doug)

I’m so thankful for such great friends!






2 responses to “Hello, Goodbye, Happy Birthday”

  1. Julia M. Avatar

    Chris and I still stop in our tracks sometime and marvel at our lives. How did we get here? When did we learn how to buy a car? Or a house!? Or raise a PERSON!? It’s nuts. Crazy fun, but nuts.

  2. Aubrey Avatar

    Hahaha, the ‘except doug’ comments made me laugh out loud! I miss you too lalyson… Move to washington